In-transit Concrete Management

The VERIFI® system is the industry's only comprehensive solution for in-transit concrete management
The VERIFI® In-transit Concrete Management System continuously monitors properties like slump and temperature. It also adjusts them as needed by adding the precise quantity of water or admixtures.
In addition, the VERIFI® system features:
Technology to automate quality control and testing in the plant and on board trucks
Data collection, storage, intelligence and management
A web-based monitoring platform with dashboards that are easy to read
Unmatched service and consulting from our industry experts

Quality concrete dependably delivered across the entire project
With the VERIFI® system, producers, contractors and engineers can measure, manage and record each batch's properties in real time, from plant to truck to pour. Consistent concrete quality also reduces costly defects and liabilities for owners.
Benefits include:
- Lower material costs: Producers can fine-tune their mix designs to use less cement.
- Energy efficiency: Optimised mixes reduce the power needed to produce batches. The result? Lighter loads, which decrease trucks' fuel consumption and drum rotations.
- Fewer costly delays: Since fewer loads are rejected, concrete placement stays right on track.
The VERIFI® system features industry experts who increase value for businesses that make and use concrete
GCP’s Blue360sm Total Business Advantage creates increased value for VERIFI® customers with a specialised team of experts who have vast experience in concrete production, process improvement and data intelligence.
Our experts consult with and provide training and support to suppliers, contractors, engineers and owners on every project.
Blue360sm helps customers achieve the greatest value for their businesses by producing, delivering and placing only the highest-quality concrete.
Blue360sm Total Business Advantage: The power of GCP products, performance and people.